Starting Monday, March 17, through Friday, March 21, Circle C Paving & Construction of Goddard, Kansas will work on the City of Salina’s annual pavement crack sealing project by sealing cracks in the following streets, weather permitting.
9th Street from Walnut to Euclid
The work will take place between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Access to properties within work zones will be maintained at all times. “Road Work Ahead” signs will be placed in advance of work zones, and temporary single-lane closures are to be expected. Motorists are asked to proceed with caution when approaching work zones for the safety of the crews performing the work.
The annual crack and joint sealing program is an important and cost-effective preventive maintenance component of the City of Salina’s annual street repair program. The Department of Public Works strives to seal each asphalt street in Salina no less often than every seven years.
The scheduled work described above is the fourth installment of the City of Salina’s 2025 Crack Seal annual maintenance project, fully funded at a total project cost of $486,000.